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We're planning the next HUGE party! It will our eigth Signature Event to celebrate with artists and musicians in recovery! If you love music, art and recovery, we hope you'll get involved. Scroll down below to find out how you can get involved right now!

Have a Signature Experience

Get Involved


Artists in recovery, congratulations on your success! Whether your art is visual, crafty, the spoken word, or another form, we want to hear from you.

Let us know how you want to be involved. As a Signature exhibitor, you will have the chance to meet many other art enthusiasts and celebrate together.

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Special Shoutout to Signature


Signature event sponsor The Butterfly Way
Signature event sponsor Institute for Relational Recovery
Signature event sponsor Bluffview Counseling Services
Signature event sponsor Sandra and Bill Lehman
Signature event sponsor Meadows Behavioral Healthcare
Signature event sponsor Twelfth Step Ministry
Signature event sponsor Purple Bandana Education and Recovery Services
Signature event sponsor Stages of Recovery Addiction Services
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Learn more

about Signature

Signature is the first ever event that invites the community to celebrate with artists and musicians in recovery! It’s an annual extravaganza in Dallas, Texas that showcases the creative talents of people that use the arts to further their recovery from substance abuse and other behavioral health issues. We inspire the community to embrace the arts as effective tools for sustained recovery.

The Signature event was launched in the Spring of 2018 in Dallas, Texas with more than 450 artists and celebrants in attendance. And Signature 2019 saw more than 600 artists and celebrants. The word is getting out that celebrating the arts in recovery is very important.

If you’re an artist in recovery, we invite you to register to exhibit your work at the next Signature event by completing the Artist Entry Form.

Why Signature?

Artists represent a unique population. Many artists struggle with drugs, alcohol and other problematic behaviors. Some factors that make it especially challenging for this population to recover include:

  • Artists’ lifestyle: schedule, environment and sporadic work
  • Chemical use can create a sense of heightened creativity but actually results in impaired functioning
  • Travel and work schedules can hinder meaningful relationships
  • Financial concerns
  • Public image: pressures of appearance, praise and criticism, etc.
  • And more…

We all know of talented artists that have lost the substance abuse or mental health battle. And still there are so many artists that have recovered and courageously use their passions and talents to recover and help others.

We’ve created a performance and exhibit platform to celebrate and inspire the use of the arts in the recovery journey.


Who's Involved?

In 2017 Betty Ewing-Dicken, a tireless advocate for recovery, gathered a small group of passionate people in the Dallas recovery community to share her long-time vision for this event. Long story short, the Signature committee succeeded in putting together a huge party with over 450 artists, volunteers and celebrants at Signature on May 4th, 2018 in Dallas, Texas.

In 2018 Artists and Musicians in Recovery (AMR), a 501 (c) (3) private foundation, was established to present the annual Signature event, and other related artists recovery events throughout the year. At this time all events are held in the Dallas area.

A portion of the Signature proceeds will benefit a few designated recovery related organizations.


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at a glance


We envision a world that celebrates people in recovery and inspires those still suffering to recover and live creative, passionate and fulfilling lives.



Signature is an annual grand-scale art and music exhibition. We celebrate with the people who have utilized their passions and creative talents to further their recovery from substance abuse and other behavioral health issues. Using the arts, we inspire the community to embrace the arts as effective tools for sustained recovery.



  • We value those with substance abuse and other behavioral health struggles
  • We value those in recovery from substance abuse and other struggles
  • We value the arts as a critical component of expressing emotions for those in recovery
  • We value struggle and pain as part of life’s journey
  • We value artists and musicians and their elevated exposures to substance abuse and other struggles


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Artists and Musicians in Recovery


Artists and Musicians in Recovery Trey Johnson Artsits Appreciation Fund image
Donate to the
Trey Johnson Artists Appreciation Fund

Artists and Musicians in Recovery mourns the loss of our founding board member and musical director for “Signature”, Trey Johnson. To honor his memory and spirit, we have created a fund designed to show our appreciation for performing and participating artists and musicians. The funds will be used for those who volunteer their gifts and time to help support our community and cause.




Artists and Musicians in Recovery Venmo Account QR Code image
Donate to
Artists & Musicians in Recovery Signature Event

As previously mentioned above, Signature is the first ever event that invites the community to celebrate with artists and musicians in recovery! We rely on support from donations to bring this amazing event to life for artists and musicians in our recovery communities.




Artists & Musicians in Recovery

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7000 Independence Pkwy Ste 156 #315
Plano, TX 75025

(972) 742-6553